Category |
Albums |
Files |
38 |
18,024 |

11 |
4,999 |

6 |
2,289 |

3 |
2,790 |

8 |
3,547 |

3 |
183 |

33 |
1,179 |

5 |
3,433 |

14 |
9,935 |
US part of Great Lakes


Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake Ontario
Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York
3420 files, last one added on Dec 07, 2024 Album viewed 10344 times
Other US overseas territories


Wake Island, Johnston Atoll, Midway Atoll, Line Islands, Phoenix Islands, Navassa Island, Bajo Nuevo Bank, Serranilla Bank, Guantanamo bay
12 files, last one added on Jan 19, 2014 Album viewed 13320 times

11 |
1,150 |

40 |
899 |

39 |
2,799 |

16 |
267 |

8 |
596 |

6 |
876 |

| ServiceCategory for service purposes |
3 |
96 |

53,062 files in 244 albums and 16 categories with 2,432 comments viewed 11,194,718 times |