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Baltic Sea / Lighthouse SchleimÃ?nde

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Baltic Sea / Lighthouse SchleimÃ?nde
the lighthouse marks the entrance from the baltic sea to the fjord Schlei (the only fjord in Germany with a length of about 40 km) /// the lighthouse is only accessible by a boat trip starting in Kappeln
Keywords: Baltic Sea;Germany;Schlei;Schleimunde;Kappeln

the lighthouse marks the entrance from the baltic sea to the fjord Schlei (the only fjord in Germany with a length of about 40 km) /// the lighthouse is only accessible by a boat trip starting in Kappeln

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File information
Album name:JUERSC / Germany
Rating (2 votes):44444(Show details)
Current status (active, not active, museum etc):active
Construction details (year of built, shape etc):1871
Height of the tower, m:14 Focal plane elevation above sea level, m:14
Light Description (light sectors, colour of the light, number of flashes etc):Group long flashing, 3 flashes per 20s, flash 2s, eclipse 3s, 6-100 white1, 100-144.5 no light, 144.5-201 red, 201-275 white2, 275-296 white3, 296-6 red. Floodlit. Horn Mo(SN) 30s. NB
Range, nm:white1 6 nm, white2 14 nm, white3 12 nm, red 10 nm
Any other comments:Currently (April 2015) under renovation, already in its new green-white colour, the 8th colour change since its year of built
Coordinates (in any format):54.671485, 10.036301
Displayed:576 times
Date added:Apr 14, 2015
DateTime Original:2015:04:09 14:11:34
Keywords:Baltic Sea / Germany / Schlei / Schleimunde / Kappeln
Download Picture:For registered users only
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