File information |
Album name: | mitko / Germany |
Current status (active, not active, museum etc): | active |
Construction details (year of built, shape etc): | 1967 |
Height of the tower, m: | 26 | Focal plane elevation above sea level, m: | 32 |
Light Description (light sectors, colour of the light, number of flashes etc): | Isophase, 6s, 53-60 red, 60-66.5 white, 66.5-91.5 green, 91.5-189 white, 189-196 red, 196-203 white, 203-208 red, 208-283 no light, 283-289 green, 289-294.5 white, 294.5-302 red, 302-53 no light |
Range, nm: | white 13 nm, green 11 nm, red 10 nm |
Any other comments: | Obscured by mast 299.5°-300.5° |
Coordinates (in any format): | 54.861752, 9.573415 |
Displayed: | 227 times |
Date added: | Apr 25, 2015 |
DateTime Original: | 2008:06:24 17:17:03 |
Keywords: | Baltic Sea / Flensburg / Glucksburg / Schausende / Holnis / Germany |
Download Picture: | For registered users only |