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Baltic Sea / Lubeck Bay / TravemÃ?nde / Old & new TravemÃ?nde lighthouse
ARLHS FED-241 (old light, left) / C1360, ARLHS FED-276 (new light, right)

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Baltic Sea / Lubeck Bay / TravemÃ?nde / Old & new TravemÃ?nde lighthouse
Keywords: Germany;Baltic sea;Travemunde;Trave;Lubeck
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File information
Album name:JUERSC / Germany
Rating (1 votes):55555(Show details)
Current status (active, not active, museum etc):old light: not active since 1972, museum / new light: active
Construction details (year of built, shape etc):old light: 1539 (station established at least by 1316) / new light: 1974
Height of the tower, m:old light: 31 / new light: 113 Focal plane elevation above sea level, m:new light: 115
Light Description (light sectors, colour of the light, number of flashes etc):new light: Flashing, 4s, flash 0.1s, eclipse 3.9s R165-214, W214-234, R234-245
Range, nm:new light: W 19sm; R 15sm
Any other comments:new light is installed on top floor of the Maritim hotel
Coordinates (in any format):old light: 53.960645, 10.879169 / new light: 53.962057, 10.881020
Displayed:233 times
Date added:May 14, 2017
DateTime Original:2017:04:17 14:14:55
Image Description:
Keywords:Germany / Baltic sea / Travemunde / Trave / Lubeck
Download Picture:For registered users only
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