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Hoek van Holland High (Range Rear) Twice.
B0638.1 (New) / ARLHS NET-142 (Old)

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Hoek van Holland High (Range Rear) Twice.
To the right the new one, built in 1974, and to the left, couvered for work in 2009, the old one, build in 1893, inactive since 1974. The hight of the new one, 44 mtrs, is more than the double of the old one's hight, 21 m.
Keywords: Netherlands;Rotterdam;North sea

To the right the new one, built in 1974, and to the left, couvered for work in 2009, the old one, build in 1893, inactive since 1974. The hight of the new one, 44 mtrs, is more than the double of the old one's hight, 21 m.

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File information
Album name:Hans de Graaf / Netherlands
Current status (active, not active, museum etc):Active (New)
Construction details (year of built, shape etc):1893 / 1974
Focal plane elevation above sea level, m:New 43, old 21
Light Description (light sectors, colour of the light, number of flashes etc):New: Isophase, period 6s, 99.5-114.5 red, 114.5-99.5 no light
Range, nm:New: 18 nm
Coordinates (in any format):51 58.4802 N 4 7.9046 E
Displayed:177 times
Date added:Mar 02, 2012
DateTime Original:2009:08:25 15:33:38
Image Description:
Keywords:Netherlands / Rotterdam / North sea
Download Picture:For registered users only
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IMAG6580.jpg Kerstkaart_2012-001.jpg Holland_139.JPG VuurtorenHoekvanHolland25-8-2009.jpg NL_strijensas.jpg Willemstad_Anke-Jens.jpg vuurtorenwillemstadholl.jpg