Orkney islands lighthouses

Recently i’ve made business trip to Orkney Islands (Scotland). This kind of paradise for LH funs – there are so many of them around the archipelago. So few tips about Orkney Lighthouses. As usial click on the thumbnail opens larger image.
Most popular and easiest to access – definitely lighthouse in Kirkwall. This is old Kirwall pier light, not used anymore:

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The specifity of Taiwanese lighthouses!

The Republic of China ( Taiwan ) has about more than 50 lighthouses,  ARLHS lists 55 and Wikipedia lists 34 lighthouses. Many of them were build during the colonial domination of Japan starting end of 19. century! Unfortunately many of them where destroyed during Second world war, but after rebuilt.

If you add to your lighthouse list also breakwater lights, so you have a hard job to see them all in Taiwan. Nearly every small port,  I have seen on my trip November 2016 , has breakwater lights, sometimes outer and inner lights! Parking in these ports is mostly no problem. Many breakwaters are accessible and you can join the fisherman.

For the larger lighthouses exist signs, you can follow. Never I could climb a tower and museums are rare!

Be aware to visit lighthouses at weekend! Many Taiwanese are than on road ! So I had no chance for parking to visit the uncommon Yeliou Lighthouse (ARLHS Tai-036 ) .

Fugueijiao Lighthouse, popular sight for Taiwanese
Fugueijiao Lighthouse, popular sight for Taiwanese
Yehliu Geopark and in the distance, Yeliu Light. No chance for parking at sunday! In front: Tung-ao fishing harbor lights
Yehliou Geopark and in the distance, Yeliou Light. No chance for parking at sunday! In front: Tung-ao fishing harbor lights
Yeliou light and communication tower
Yeliou light and communication tower